It's been about 17 months now that I took a leap of faith and started my own consulting practice; leaving behind the big job and the corporate environment in favor of being my own boss and writing my own story.
To say it has been a deeply rewarding journey would be an understatement. I have been blessed to collaborate with some of the most creative individuals and teams on the supplier side of the multifamily industry. What fun to be a part of helping new technologies navigate the industry and move forward, and not-so-new companies reengineer and gain newfound momentum. Most importantly, reaIizing my dream while contributing to the dreams of my clients has been more fun and satisfying than I thought possible, and I am humbled to be part of their success.
I’ve learned a few things in 17 months as well. Things like, it pays to be choosy about your clients. It’s OK to say no if it doesn’t feel like a fit. I’m worth what I charge. Timing is everything. Start-ups are AWESOME (and they’ll keep me young). A supportive spouse is worth his weight in gold. And, I know some stuff (sounds cheesy, but I don’t think we realize just how much expertise we have amassed in our careers until we have to make a living on that intellectual capital). Oh, and I really like my boss.
Likewise, some things haven’t changed at all . . . multifamily is the most connected, relationship oriented industry on the planet. Not everyone operates on my level of urgency. Communication is key. Networking is everything. There will always be haters. There will always be fans. And I love this quirky, crazy industry.
It’s been a great experience, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds as I continue writing my story. Thank you to my amazing clients (you know who you are!) and to all my friends in the industry who didn’t hesitate to respond to calls and emails, and especially to those who referred clients my way. You are what make this industry special. And to those of you thinking of writing your own story . . . my leap paid off, yours just might too!